WA-DDD Employment Supports Performance Outcome Information System

DDD Employment Supports Performance Outcome Information System
This web site summarizes data collected on employment supports funded by the Washington Division of Developmental Disabilities and counties. Data are reported monthly at the individual level. The query modules allow users to create reports and graphs based on a number of individual characteristics.

Select from the menu at the left or using the links below to view data in two ways:

Trend Report: Provides a graph of trends in employment services data for an individual variable such as gross pay or average hours in paid work.

Summary Report: Provides a summary of employment outcomes or supports at the state, region, County, or provider levels for a single month. Three different report choices are available:

This site was developed by StateData.info, a project of the Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston, for the Washington DSHS Division of Developmental Disabilities. For more information on StateData.info or the work of the Institute for Community Inclusion.

John Butterworth, Ph.D.

WA-DDD Employment Supports Information System.